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🎄 贝贝彬为大家准备的圣诞节儿歌都在这!祝大家圣诞快乐!💗

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☀️ 早安!Bebefinn贝贝彬生活习惯儿歌大全 💗



00:00:00 玩雪真开心(Playing in the Snow)

00:03:20 闪亮的圣诞节(Deck the Halls)

00:06:32 我们祝你圣诞快乐(We Wish You a Merry Christmas)

00:09:30 认识天气 (How's the Weather?)

00:12:21 我们一起穿衣服 (This Is The Way We Get Dressed)

00:15:10 早上好(Good Morning Song)

00:18:14 可爱小橘猫 (The Cat Song)

00:21:11 从一数到十(Numbers Song)

00:24:13 我们祝你圣诞快乐(We Wish You a Merry Christmas)

00:27:11 闪亮的圣诞节(Deck the Halls)

00:30:23 玩雪真开心(Playing in the Snow)

00:33:30 骑自行车去喽(Bike Song)

00:36:37 医生扮演游戏(Hospital Play)

00:39:29 上厕所不要憋 (Poo Poo Song)

00:42:27 汽车宝宝(Baby Car)

00:45:20 五只小猴子在床上跳 (Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed)

00:48:18 ABC字母歌(ABC Song)

00:51:24 玩雪真开心(Playing in the Snow)

00:54:30 早上好(Good Morning Song)

00:57:34 认识天气 (How's the Weather?)


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