学中文 | Learn about Shapes in Mandarin Chinese | 形状 Shapes | Square, Rectangle, Triangle and more.


学中文 | Learn about Shapes in Mandarin Chinese | 形状 Shapes | Square, Rectangle, Triangle and more. with tags 学中文, learn about shapes in mandarin chinese, 形状 shapes, 形状, shapes, square, rectangle, triangle and more., triangle

学中文 | Learn about Shapes in Mandarin Chinese | 形状 Shapes | Square, Rectangle, Triangle and more.

正方形 zhèng fāng xíng - Square

三角形sān jiǎo xíng - Triangle

圆形 yuán xíng - Circle

长方形 cháng fāng xíng - Rectangle

星形 xīng xíng - Star-shaped

椭圆形 tuǒ yuán xíng - Oval

菱形 líng xíng - Diamond

心形 xīn xíng - Heart-shaped