Kids Learn Mandarin - Song Collection #4 唱歌学汉语 | Levels 2 Songs | Little Chinese Learners


Kids Learn Mandarin - Song Collection #4 唱歌学汉语 | Levels 2 Songs | Little Chinese Learners with tags mandarin, chinese, language, lessons, bilingual, children, kids

Singing is one of the best ways to learn a new language. Songs included in this compilation include:

小狗训练歌 (Training Our Dog)

小星星 (Twinkle Twinkle)

我们是小孩 (We Are Kids)

画画 (Let's Draw)

一日三餐 (Three Meals a Day)

我的家人在哪里? (Where is My Family?)

Subscribe to our channel for more lessons, songs, and stories to laugh your way to better Mandarin. Little Chinese Learners aims to wow and engage the 21st century Mandarin learner with a complete curriculum integrating native teacher videos with animated songs, stories, games, and lots and lots of hidden Easter eggs.