宝宝学说话 - 中文发音 | Toddler Learning with Baobei Chinese

宝宝学说话 - 中文发音 | Toddler Learning with Baobei Chinese with tags chinese educational songs, chinese for kids, chinese immersion, chinese kids songs, chinese toddler songs, chinese vocabulary, kids chinese lessons, learn chinese colors, mandarin for kids, mandarin immersion, mandarin kids songs, mandarin nursery songs, preschool mandarin, baby bus chinese, babybus, babyfinn, little fox, little fox chinese, ms rachel 中文, 一起唱儿歌, 中文儿歌, 中文启蒙, 中文词汇, 儿童中文, 启蒙, 妈妈, 学习普通话, 宝宝中文, 宝宝学说话, 宝宝说中文, 宝贝中文, 少儿中文, 形状, 悦儿姐姐, 手势, 数字, 早教, 普通话启蒙, 水果, 沉浸式中文, 爸爸, 第一个词, 阿里mimi, 颜色, 鲨鱼宝宝
拼音字幕请选择中文(中国) | For Pinyin subtitles, please select Chinese (China)
Join us in this fun-filled toddler learning video where kids can practice Chinese pronunciation through engaging activities! We explore different fruits, learn to count, and work on Chinese tones to make speaking more natural and enjoyable. The video wraps up with a cozy book reading session to reinforce new words and sounds. Perfect for little ones starting their language journey!
0:00 – 打气球 & 出发!
2:30 – 小汽车的轮子
3:22 – 跟小火车学声调
4:51 – 篮球在哪里
6:56 – 上下左右歌
7:38 – 一起玩橡皮泥
11:27 – 魔法袋子 & 叠高高
14:42 – 好吃的水果和蔬菜
19:07 – 拔萝卜
20:41 – 阅读时间:晚安,晚安,工程车