Visit my aunt’s home for Chinese New Year | 到姑姑家拜年 | Chinese Vlog | 中文/Pinyin & Eng Sub | HSK2/3


Visit my aunt’s home for Chinese New Year | 到姑姑家拜年 | Chinese Vlog | 中文/Pinyin & Eng Sub | HSK2/3 with tags mandarin vlog, chinese, mandarin, chinese vlog, chinese new year, chinese listening, chinesse lesson, mandarin lesson for beginners, mandarin language, mandarin listening, real chinese, china, hsk, chinese teacher, mandarin teacher, hsk grammar, english subtitle, pinyin, chinese life, vlog, listening, chinese vocabulary, chinese language, walk around china, travel in china, hsk 3, hsk 4, hsk 2, hsk 1, culture, chinese culture, spring festival

Learn Mandarin Chinese with Vlogs: Visit my aunt’s family for the Chinese New Year | 到姑姑家拜年 | Real-life Chinese Vlog | Chinese Listening | Eng Sub & Pinyin | My Chinese Vlogs

In today's Chinese lesson, join me as I visit my aunt’s family for Chinese New Year in this real-life vlog! Practice your Mandarin listening with natural conversations with English subtitles and pinyin. Celebrate the holiday while improving your Chinese skills!

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