好吃又好玩的春节 - 宝宝学传统文化 | Spring Festival - Happy New Year with Baobei Chinese

好吃又好玩的春节 - 宝宝学传统文化 | Spring Festival - Happy New Year with Baobei Chinese with tags chinese educational songs, chinese for kids, chinese immersion, chinese toddler songs, chinese vocabulary, kids chinese lessons, mandarin for kids, mandarin immersion, mandarin kids songs, mandarin nursery songs, preschool mandarin, baby bus chinese, babybus, babyfinn, little fox, little fox chinese, ms rachel 中文, 一起唱儿歌, 中文儿歌, 中文启蒙, 中文词汇, 儿童中文, 启蒙, 学习普通话, 宝宝中文, 宝宝学说话, 宝宝说中文, 宝贝中文, 少儿中文, 形状, 手势, 数字, 早教, 普通话启蒙, 水果, 沉浸式中文, 第一个词, 颜色, 鲨鱼宝宝, chinese new year, lunar new year, 新年, 传统文化, 春节, 新年快乐, 年夜饭, 烟花
让我们和小宝姐姐一起迎接好吃、好玩的春节!🎉🏮 我们将一起探索年兽的传奇故事,手把手教你包美味的元宵和饺子,还有欢快的音乐让我们一起跳舞。这些趣味歌曲和手工活动非常适合小朋友们初步了解传统文化。让我们一起享受节日的乐趣吧!
Join Xiao Bao Jiejie as we dive into the tasty and fun Spring Festival! 🎉🏮 We'll explore the legendary story of the Nian monster, and teach you step-by-step how to make delicious sweet rice balls and dumplings, accompanied by lively music for us to dance to. These fun songs and crafts are perfect for little ones to get a basic understanding of traditional culture. Let's enjoy the festive fun together!
0:33 – 咚咚锵 Traditional Chinese Instruments
2:47 – 歌曲:新年好 Song - Happy New Year
4:13 – 一起做汤圆和水饺 Let's make Tangyuan and Jiaozi
8:43 – 十二生肖 Chinese Zodiac
9:32 – 歌曲:十二生肖 Song - Chinese Zodiac
10:04 – 过年的由来 Legendary story of the Nian Monster
10:47 – 过年习俗 Spring Festival traditions
12:32 – 歌曲:美味中国菜 Song - Yummy Chinese Food