玩一玩 學一學 | 普通話發音 & 數字 & 兒歌啟蒙 - Best of Baobei Chinese: Mandarin Educational Video

玩一玩 學一學 | 普通話發音 & 數字 & 兒歌啟蒙 - Best of Baobei Chinese: Mandarin Educational Video with tags chinese educational songs, chinese for kids, chinese immersion, chinese kids songs, chinese toddler songs, chinese vocabulary, kids chinese lessons, learn chinese colors, mandarin for kids, mandarin immersion, mandarin kids songs, mandarin nursery songs, preschool mandarin, baby bus chinese, babybus, babyfinn, little fox, little fox chinese, ms rachel 中文, 一起唱儿歌, 中文儿歌, 中文启蒙, 中文词汇, 儿童中文, 启蒙, 妈妈, 学习普通话, 宝宝中文, 宝宝学说话, 宝宝说中文, 宝贝中文, 少儿中文, 形状, 悦儿姐姐, 手势, 数字, 早教, 普通话启蒙, 水果, 沉浸式中文, 爸爸, 第一个词, 阿里mimi, 颜色, 鲨鱼宝宝
拼音字幕請選擇中文(中國) | For Pinyin subtitles, please select Chinese (China)
In this fun-filled video, XiaoBao Jiejie takes the little ones on an exciting learning adventure. We’ll build with blocks to create our own little worlds, race cars for a thrilling speed experience, and explore everyday objects to uncover their hidden secrets. Kids can learn to recognize different fruits and vegetables while also picking up tips for brushing their teeth and building healthy habits. It’s a magical journey of learning through play, where every moment is packed with laughter and growth.
#學中文 #mandarinforkids #educationalvideo
0:09 – 好玩的膠帶
5:17 – 歌曲:小蝴蝶
5:52 – 浮起來 沉下去
8:43 – 歌曲:石頭剪刀布
10:00 – 給老爺爺做牙齒
12:45 – 幫小魚找朋友
15:31 – 魔法袋子
18:46 – 歌曲:拍手歌
19:20 – 一起來做冰激凌
27:07 – 歌曲:我有一隻小毛驢
29:14 – 籃球在哪裡
31:20 – 氣球車
33:46 – 歌曲:小汽車的輪子
34:42 – 汽車障礙賽
40:22 – 積木火箭
44:14 – 歌曲:五隻小猴
46:01 – 積木車庫和樹屋
50:11 – 一起玩橡皮泥
54:00 – 歌曲:切土豆
54:41 – 一起吃蔬菜水果
59:09 – 歌曲:拔蘿蔔